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How it works

how it works

Download the app

Start by downloading the app on your smartphone and signing up for your personal Tangelo.

how it works

Confirm eligibility.

Submit your information and see if you’re eligible. The exact eligibility requirements vary by state, but the goal is the same everywhere: get healthy food to people like you.

how it works

Get money in your wallet.

Once you’re approved, we’ll put money directly into your digital wallet. You can spend it on the healthy food you want.

Learn how funding works

how it works

Get your food

Buy your food through the Tangelo app. Once that’s done, all you have to do is go pick it up or wait for it to be delivered.

Get the Tangelo app

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What people are saying about Tangelo

“This app makes me feel like I can do what other people can do. I feel like them, I can view recipes and order fruits and vegetables and get them delivered to my door. I feel like a rich person!”

“Thank you very much for your help today I received my order and something else and this is greatly appreciated, because I have no job and I only depend on you and the locals who help people like me…THANK YOU for your help and effort! Blessings”

“Basically I started cooking “healthy” which was pretty obsolete for me. The fruits making eating healthier easy too. Have to say the cherry tomatoes, avocado, oregano, and lemon salad with salt and garlic is amazing!”

“They sent really good looking potatoes, onions, cauliflower, apples, carrots. So plenty of options!”

“Got the order, thanks J!! And what a great package of stuff!! “Eating some steamed broccoli now-“This app makes me feel like I can do what other people can do. I feel like them, I can view recipes and order fruits and vegetables and get them delivered to my door. I feel like a rich person!”

“Thank you very much for your help today I received my order and something else and this is greatly appreciated, because I have no job and I only depend on you and the locals who help people like me…THANK YOU for your help and effort! Blessings”

“Basically I started cooking “healthy” which was pretty obsolete for me. The fruits making eating healthier easy too. Have to say the cherry tomatoes, avocado, oregano, and lemon salad with salt and garlic is amazing!”

“They sent really good looking potatoes, onions, cauliflower, apples, carrots. So plenty of options!”

“Got the order, thanks J!! And what a great package of stuff!! “Eating some steamed broccoli now


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Got questions? We’ve got answers.underline

If you’re wondering about what kind of food you can get, if you’re eligible or have any other questions, check out our Q&A section.

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